Micron21 Blog

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28 June 2024

Managing WordPress at scale – How to easily ensure all your websites are up-to-date and secure

When it comes to making sure your website is secure, one of the most important things - if not the most important - is to make sure that sure your website is up-to-date.  From the software used to build the website itself, to all the plugins, libra...

20 February 2024

Deep Dive – How CloudLinux improves security and stability on shared hosting environments

There are many advantages to hosting a lot of websites on a single server.  Primary among these is that it allows you to optimise your costs and make sure your servers are being utilised to their full potential rather than having resources sit idle...

22 January 2024

Deep Dive – Why we use and highly recommend LiteSpeed to drastically speed up websites

When it comes to improving your website performance, usually the aim is to increase the site’s conversion rate for online sales.  However, one area that’s often overlooked is how having a fast website shows your visitors that you v...

28 November 2023

Avoid “budget” hosting - use these criteria to ensure you’re with a good hosting provider

In the hosting industry, there’s a tendency for budget hosting providers to try and attract customers by offering the lowest price possible for their hosting plans.  Unfortunately, as alluring as this sounds, this race-to-the-b...

30 October 2023

How to resolve issues faster – key information we’ll need to fast-track the solution

It’s an unfortunate reality that all things break as they age - entropy is a law of the universe, with all things becoming more disordered over time.  In some ways this is even true in the ephemeral world of  IT,  which is why IT pr...

26 October 2023

Where to begin when looking to get started online – create your first website!

We’ve done a few articles aimed at helping people when they’re just starting out – this includes explanations on what hosting is and how to navigate and use it; deep dive explorations into what domains are; and also a breakdown of...

28 September 2023

Understand these performance terms and concepts to improve your website speed

When it comes to selling products and services online, having a quick website can be the difference between landing a sale and having someone abandon your site in frustration – as surprisingly, even a difference of a second or less can make a huge...

28 September 2023

Upcoming upgrades to our VMware Hyperconverged Infrastructure – New Dell PowerEdge R660 servers!

Here at Micron21 we’ve always prided ourselves on using the latest and greatest hardware that’s available.  We’ve gone above and beyond what’s required with our own data centre – attaining “Tier IV” accredi...

31 August 2023

Deep Dive - What is Imunify360 and why do we use it to protect our Shared Web Hosting platform?

In our security-focused articles in the past, we’ve covered a lot about the security services that we offer for the high-end of town.  This includes dedicated firewalls, Web Application Firewalls (WAFs), simulated phishing campaigns, vul...

30 August 2023

Understand these cyber-security terms and concepts to better protect your business

It’s an unfortunate reality (and almost a rule within the digital world!) that the threat of cyber-crime will continue to grow year after year.  The reason for this is fairly easy to understand when you consider the incentives involved. ...

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