
Proxmox gives you the freedom to customise your environments as needed, without locking you in to a single vendor.

What is Proxmox?

Proxmox is a complete open-source platform for enterprise-level virtualisation. With the built-in web interface, you're able to easily manage VMs and containers, software-defined storage & networking, and high availability (HA) clustering.

Utilising KVM, which is the industry-leading Linux virtualisation technology, you can run either Windows and Linux in virtual machines (VMs), where each VM has private, virtualised hardware - network card, disk, graphics adapter, etc.

Alternatively, container-based virtualisation is available using LXC, which is an operating-system-level virtualisation environment for running multiple, isolated Linux systems on a single host.


Why use Proxmox?

Cost Effective

By utilising open-source software, you’re able to use all the features of Proxmox without needing to worry about complex licensing issues or increasing your costs.


Not only does Proxmox allow you to create and manage virtual machines (VM), you are also able to create and manage containers for hosting your applications.

High Availability

Designed with private cloud in mind, Proxmox can be configured as a “cloud in a box” or in a high availability (HA) cluster configuration.


Proxmox allows for the seamless expansion of compute, networking, and storage devices – allowing you to grow without downtime.


With backups being a requirement at any scale, Proxmox has a fully integrated backup solutions that allow for live-restoring VMs or for individual file-level restores.


With a built-in firewall, you're able to fully customise the rules on your networks to secure your environment. It also allows for role-based authentication to lock things down further.


Proxmox has a large community that helps support it from all around the world – this can help when learning it for the first time or if you need to ask a question if you get stuck.


With the graphical user interface (GUI) being easy to use and intuitive, all management tasks can be completed without requiring separate management tools or use of the command line.

Open Source Virtualisation

Open-Source Virtualisation

Unlike other cloud platforms or virtualisation software, Proxmox is entirely free and open-source, which means that you’re able to access all its features without needing to worry about complex licensing issues or increasing your costs.

With Proxmox having a large community that support it and extend its functionality, it’s able to integrate with and support a larger variety of other services and other platforms, such as storage backends like iSCSI, NFS, Ceph and more.

Enterprise Features

Enterprise Features

In addition to allowing for virtualised workloads, Proxmox also comes with other enterprise-grade features that allow you to make your environments more reliable and robust.

Some of these features include high availability (HA) clusters, the ability to configure storage clusters either using Proxmox’s own cluster file system (pmxcfs) or alternatives like Ceph, as well as Software-Defined Networking – which allow administrators and users to manage advanced networking configurations and multitenancy across clusters.

Related Cloud Services


The Micron21 team are experts in facilitating a smooth and swift migration from VMware’s ESXi, Hyper-V, or other virtualisation platforms to mCloud.


We’re experts on everything cloud. We can offer guidance for designing, building, and maintaining all different types of compute and storage platforms.

Server Contribution

Our mCloud platform allows for a unique approach, contributing hardware to a public cloud. This allows clients to benefit from the high availability (HA) of public cloud, without the usually associated high costs.

Seamless Migration from Anywhere

The Micron21 team are experts in facilitating a smooth and swift migration from VMware’s ESXi, Hyper-V, or other virtualisation platforms to mCloud.

Additionally, we can offer guidance for designing, building, and maintaining all different types of compute and storage platforms, whether you're looking to utilise OpenStack, Proxmox, CEPH, XFS, or any other technology.

Find out more

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Web Application Firewalls

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Backup Solutions

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Need help solutioning or migrating?

Wherever you’re currently hosted, we have dedicated solution architects that can assist with the design, build, and migration away from your current platform.

We’re experts in designing large-scale cloud platforms and can assist you regardless of what platform you are looking at moving to.

If you're interested in migrating over to any of our cloud platforms, we’d love to have a conversation to assist you with this next stage of your cloud platform journey.

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